
At AlliedFCU, we’re proud to be a member-based, non-profit financial cooperative organized for the benefit of our members. Since AlliedFCU is owned and operated by our members, we can keep member satisfaction and services as our top priority at our Mansfield and Arlington locations.

We’re here to serve you. From loans to savings, AlliedFCU offers better rates on savings accounts and lower rates on loans than big banks. Just one of the ways we work to promote thrift amongst our membership.

Along with loans, savings, and checking accounts, we provide our members with a full range of other financial services, including member education on financial disciplines. AlliedFCU members can always feel free to come ask their financial questions.

Why Choose Us?

The credit union philosophy of “People Helping People” is truly evident at AFCU.


AlliedFCU’s employees live, work, shop and worship in the same communities we serve.