Allied FCU Staff Donates $340 to Arlington’s Care and Share Program, Pay Water Bills For Those In Need

March 3, 2022

Arlington, TX (March 2, 2022) - Allied Federal Credit Union staff paid $340 worth of water bills for financially struggling Arlington residents as part of the city’s Care and Share Program. Arlington Care and Share uses private donations to pay water bills for those in need and has helped hundreds of families to date. The $340 donation came from Allied FCU’s Casual for a Cause program.


Casual for a Cause lets Allied FCU employees pay to dress casually at work, and money raised goes toward a different local cause each month selected by an employee based committee. They chose Care and Share for February because it allowed them to serve community members hit hardest financially during the recent economic upheaval.

"It saddens me to think there are people living in our city who don't have the basic necessity of running water in their homes, because they've fallen on hard financial times and can't afford to pay their water bills," said Sarah Ramos, Allied Credit Union's AVP of Experience. "We don't want that happening to our members or anyone else living in our community."

If you are interested in pursuing community development projects contact Sarah Ramos at