Allied FCU Participates in “Socktober,” Donates 500 Pairs of Socks and $300 to Individuals in Need

October 27, 2022

This October, Allied Federal Credit Union donated 500 pairs of socks and presented a check for $300 to Mission Arlington, a local organization providing supplies and services to those in need. Credit Union employees chose to support Mission Arlington as part of “Socktober,” a wider movement calling on organizations to provide socks to the homeless as the weather gets colder.


This community outreach project was part of Allied’s Casual for a Cause program. Casual for a Cause lets staff members pay to dress casually at work, and all money raised goes toward a different local cause each month. These causes are selected by an employee-based committee, which chose “Socktober” as a way to provide holiday warmth to those who have so little.


“As the weather gets colder, and our lives get busy with the upcoming holiday season, it’s easy to forget the people in our communities who don’t even have basic necessities like socks to keep their feet and probably their hands warm,” said Tonia Clark, CEO of Allied Federal Credit Union. “We hope our participation in Socktober reminds our members that an act as simple as donating a pair of socks to someone who doesn’t have any makes a huge impact on our community.”

If you are interested in pursuing community development projects contact Sarah Ramos at